Physical is the new digital
Enable your apps to understand their proximity to nearby devices
Discover, range & exchange with nearby iOS and Android devices
Discovering nearby devices makes your app more physical, local and relevant. Imagine a dating app notifying you when there is a match nearby, or a networking app connecting you with people on the go.
Estimate range to nearby devices. Whether delivering a package, redeeming a voucher or selling an item, proximity range estimation can help you verify whether the person in front of you is who he says he is.
Exchange with nearby devices. Imagine a restaurant publishing its menu to nearby diners or professionals sharing their business cards with fellow attendees at events: p2pkit allows you to seamlessly broadcast content to nearby devices.
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Create new experiences & improve existing processes
p2pkit is used in real products for real people
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opportunistic discoveries just happened
Build great apps with p2pkit
Accelerated Discovery
Engage users in close proximity in real time and on the go
Consistent Performance
Create consistent and frictionless user experiences
Detailed Real-Time View
Observe a detailed and real-time view of nearby devices
Hardware-free Implementation
Deploy without dependency on expensive beacons and WiFi infrastructure
Device-to-device Ranging
Understand not only who is here and when, but also how close they are
Location Agnostic Technology
Engage with nearby users everywhere be it indoors, outdoors or underground
Cross-Platform Interoperability
Deploy your apps easily on both iOS & Android platforms
Background Compatibility
Interact with users even when their phones are in their pockets
Battery Efficiency
Stay battery friendly - your users will love you for that!
Rocket science beneath the surface
Proximity technologies are more complex than meets the eye. Keep your life simple and let us worry about the challenges beneath the surface
Simple, yet brilliant ...
// Create PPKController.startDiscovery(withDiscoveryInfo: NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: ["venue": "Your Awesome Coffee Shop", "voucher": "Free espresso for all"]), stateRestoration: false); func peerDiscovered(_ peer: PPKPeer) { let payload = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: peer.discoveryInfo!) as! NSDictionary; print("Discovered \(payload["venue"]) with \(payload["voucher"])"); } // Update PPKController.pushNewDiscoveryInfo(NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: ["venue": "Your Awesome Coffee Shop", "voucher": "Free cappuccino for all"])); func discoveryInfoUpdated(for peer: PPKPeer) { // Tell your user about the new cappuccino offer ! }
Watch our iOS tutorial
Check out the source code on Github
Watch our Android tutorial
Check out the source code on Github
p2pkit is compatible with iOS and Android and supports several radio technologies. It is very lightweight and hardly consumes any battery.
You can configure p2pkit to beacon information (payload) to nearby devices who will discover each other and receive this information when in physical proximity.
Nearby devices are notified when a proximity event takes place and receive the identifier, payload (optionally) and range estimation (when supported). Your app can then respond to this event in any way it chooses. For example: it can show a notification with a voucher for a coffee, the details of an ongoing delivery or the profile of that person you just met. When nearby devices update their payload or the range estimation changes, you are again notified and can take action. p2pkit is truly flexible!